Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Well, guessed that one wrong...

One of the greatest frustrations with collections is when you are so close to someone you almost know their movements, but can't quite reach them.

I was chasing after one such person a few months ago. I'd found her place of employment - a hospital. They refused to do a verification of employment without a signed request, but I got transferred to her department (which they never named) quite happily when I asked, but she was never available.

I called her home number several times, generally getting her significant other (who never named himself as her husband), and got excuses of being at work, being out grocery shopping...never home. "She's not at home all that often, I'm sad to say."

One day I called her home phone first, and got the significant other. "No, she's off at work right now. Can I take a message?"

Left a message, then immediately called work. "No, she's not in right now. Can I take a message?"

"Will she be back later?"

"No, she won't be in today."

I left a message, and asked my senior collector what he thought of the situation.

"Hmmm...any way you can find the boyfriend's number?"

We got a good laugh out of that one, as that was EXACTLY what I was thinking. Then it transferred out of my desk and I didn't think about her very much anymore.

Until today, when we were listening to recorded phone calls, and I heard a call-in to one of my colleagues..and it was HER. She got the sternly-worded letter we'd sent out (threatening general garnishment), and was calling in.

"I can't handle a garnishment right now...my income's being depleted with all the cancer treatments right now..."

Of course. It makes sense now. She was at work, just like her significant other said. Just not...working at work.

Collections makes you believe the worst of people, and surprises you when the opposite holds true. I need to be done with this while I still have some faith in humanity.

1 comment:

L~n~F said...

I'm so pessimistic I would think she'd make up cancer for the pity factor...

Where'd my faith in humanity go? Did I ever have any?