Monday, January 5, 2015

Going (kinda) full Luddite

So, on Saturday night, the screen on my iPhone went completely blank.  Pressing the button resulted in a grey box, even when I could still hear the "bing" for a text message or the ringing for a phone call.

I logged in to my verizon site to see about an upgrade to the iPhone 5, which they told me I could do as soon as I paid the back balance of my phone bill of Significantly More Money Than Is In My Bank Account Right Now.

I made it several years of my life without a cell phone, and certainly many years without a smartphone.  Looking over my bill, it is awfully expensive.  Do I really need it?

No, I decided.  I have an unused line anyway, so I ordered a flip phone to add to the blank line.  I would suspend my smartphone line, saving myself a decent chunk of change every month.

Then Sunday started working again.  Which is convenient for me, in that I can now make phone calls again, as well as play cards, surf Facebook, emails....

I am sticking by my resolution.  As soon as I get the flip phone in the mail, I'm going to put a hold on my smartphone line and go with the dumb phone.  I don't need the smartphone, and I do need to trim expenses.

Today I left my phone at home as a test run of how I'd manage without internet, since the phone is a distraction to me at school (and for all the wrong reasons).  I have to admit...I went through a bit of withdrawal.

OK, a lot.  It was very difficult to not check in constantly to different things.  Like, really oddly twitchy.

So I'm still at school, but heading home to check in on things.  Like Facebook.  And see if I make it through the week without the smartphone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey its Aaron. When I got canned by At&t, I suddenly became a guy without a smartphone. This after 5+ years of a 100% paid for, switch out 3 times a year smartphone. I do have a tablet now, but !mainly I have my flip phone for basic communication. Its not so bad.