Monday, August 11, 2014

All over but the shouting

So they were here for a bit this morning, and then took off.  I took Sam back to his mom for an appointment, and they were gone when I got back.

I decided to get started again on foundation tuck pointing again, and after shoveling out some of the wall, and going upstairs to get coffee, I ran into Kevin and Barb downstairs.  Kevin was putting up the eviction notice, and we chatted for a while about the difficulties of being a landlord and the frustrations of the whole situation.  He mentioned that if they drag it out, it could take up to six months unless it can be proven that they've got somewhere to go, and that could complicate things.

Barb also talked me up to Kevin (everyone still thinks I'm moving downstairs - I'm still really not sure, for a variety of reasons) to see what sort of a deal I could get for downstairs, but I'm still not hiring the mariachi band yet.

Kevin asked about the washer power, and I told him one of the outlets ran off mine, but I wasn't sure which one.  I also said I'm sure that everyone could live without the washing machine for a bit if it meant they were gone.  He texted Wendy to let her know to cut the power as soon as she could.

Kevin left, accompanied by his girlfriend (I think), and Josh and company showed up ten minutes later.

They came rolling in at top speed, with Josh pulling the notice off the door, and getting the kids inside.  The rumor was that they were just waiting for the eviction notice to get the ball rolling at DSS for assistance, but I wasn't sure.

I finished with the wall, and moved around to the front, where I heard Josh ranting at his dad.  "They can't make me go!  I'm not going anywhere.  I'm not gonna get ripped off."

I decide this is the best time to go and get more mortar mix.  This is going to drag out and I'm going to have another four to six months of this bullshit...

Barb calls me over as soon as I pull in the driveway.  Josh talked with Kevin, and he's getting out as soon as DSS comes through.  I told her about what I heard him say before I went to go get concrete, and tell her I'm still not hiring the mariachi band yet.

I took Dante for a walk, and coming back, got motioned over by Emily, Barb's daughter.  "Hey, got some bad news for you."

I laughed.  "I knew it.  Too good to be true."

She nodded.  "So get this.  DSS is going to find them a place to live.  They will get an ungodly amount of food stamp money, cash assistance, and gas vouchers so Josh can find a job."

"Ummmm...this is bad news how?"

She looked at me.  "Aren't you pissed they're getting all this?"

"They're still leaving, right?  That's really what I care about right now."

So the upshot is that they're here until DSS finds them a place.  (Not sure what this means for the power, but that's not on my list of concerns.)

Does this mean they're going to take out the rotting trash?  Or how fast they're clearing out?  I have no idea.  But is means there is an end in sight.  Somewhere.  How soon is anyone's guess, but I'm hoping sooner rather than later.


Dawn-Marie said...

You never cease to amaze me with your documentation of all that you have seen, and heard the past few years!

izzy said...

just hope who ever comes in after them isnt as bad or worse.