Wednesday, May 25, 2011

New Habit #2

I’ve been doing the beta test for Leo Babauta’s Habit Course, and the beta test has come to an end. What I’ve found is that during the beta test, I am now waking up in a regular way at 5:30am, no matter what hour I go to sleep. This being one of the habits I NEVER thought I would break free of, I am shocked and amazed by this 30-day idea of changing a single habit.

The question is which habit to tackle next. I think the habit I’m going to tackle next is going to be a daily writing habit - something I’ve been meaning to do for YEARS now and just haven’t done it.

My reasons for it are as follows:

* my experience is that I feel much saner when I am creating something
* I do have stories I want to tell
* This is something that ties in to the previous habit - one of the issues that I’ve had with getting up is having a purpose for getting up that early (other than being on time for work).

So I’m going to restart the cycle - this week is going to be prep to get ready for the habit, and that means going back to the opening sheet and developing a plan:

What is your target habit?
Beginning the day with a half hour of writing, increasing to an hour.

How difficult/easy is this habit?
5. Getting started on the getting up was the tough part.

What will be your daily trigger?
Getting up in the morning and meditation routine.

Specific action you'll do after the trigger?
Get cup of coffee and sit down to write.

Probable obstacles and how you'll overcome them.
My apartment is still not conducive to ease of flow and energy. So part of the prep week is cleaning and organizing so that I don’t have the clutter taking up creative space.
There are the usual obstacles of any endeavour, but I think getting into the projects will be good for me and will provide motivation.

Positive reinforcement and encouragement plan:
Breakfast immediately after writing - maybe a quick cigar if it isn’t raining.

Accountability system/Support system:
Facebook status seems to be a good way to do it. I got lots of positive encouragement for changing my sleeping habits, so hopefully this will have the same effect.

This used to be an important part of my life, but I was never willing to make it a priority. It has to be now, as I’m tired of not writing my novel(s).

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