Sunday, October 17, 2010

Taking the time

My friend Eric has started a new blog called "How to Be a Better Man" after watching The Social Network. The focus is on the reinvention of his life - taking stock with the "what have you done lately" deal.

I understand where he's coming from. I've been living on my own for the last seven months, and getting used to the change of finding my own motivation and what makes me tick. An evaluation of my own place in the world.

And I've made some changes. Two jobs, including a return to the career of librarian. New car. Updates to apartment to make it a comfortable living space. Taking the time to pick up guitar again. Trying to figure out how to best be a "weekend warrior" Dad.

Right now I'm sitting in the corner chair that Sam uses for a bed when he's over, and listening to "Exile on Main St." My landlord invited me over to watch NASCAR this afternoon, and I'll go over for a little bit. Also have to install a new computer at Gymboree so Jess can actually do work there.

Today is one of those great fall days where it feels great to be alive. I'm just basking in the quiet, having gone out and smoked a cigar while sitting next to the creek. Not bad at all.

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