Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Abandoned blogs

By an unofficial counting, this is now the fourth blog that I have left "abandoned". The other three were a Twitter blog, a political blog called "The Flaming Handbasket", and another personal blogspot one as well. I'm going to try to resurrect this one, and consider resurrecting the Twitter one as well.

Blogging is hard work, and the trouble is often finding the time to set aside and actually write. Add into that equation home life (very cute 3 year old), and the various professions I've had over the last six years (inner city teacher, law student), and time is sort of at a premium.

But things should settle out time-wise very very soon. I will be starting a new job on the 22nd that shouldn't demand too much brainpower, and will involve very little take-home crap. We'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why not...