Thursday, August 2, 2012

Gardening and cleaning and preparing

So on an impulse, I bought a pair of hydrangeas. I've always liked them, and the bountiful poof of colors they have. The front yard is the domain of Wendy downstairs, and I wouldn't even DARE ask about sharing space. So the hydrangeas are going out back, in an attempt to reclaim some of the back forty. If those two do well, then I'll look into the possibility of getting more to fill out the back. They would make a great backdrop to the end of the yard, I think. August is upon us, and as a teacher that means getting revved up for the year at hand. It means getting things in order as responsibilities start creeping up and then the crashing of September is at hand. So today is a day of cleaning and setting up aspirations. I need to streamline some things, clear out some things, and finish up a few projects that have just been lying around the apartment. I also plan to make some commitments to an August "challenge" at Zen Habits, so I'm going to do the writing challenge again. Seems like a good plan, and something I keep trying to do. So I'll be posting odd Facebook posts about word-count again. Bear with me. Hope summer is going well for you too. Future posts will hopefully have more substance.

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